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Regulatory Committee

Farella, Braun + Martel 235 Montgomery Street, 17th Floor, San Francisco

John Updike is the Director of San Francisco's Department of Real Estate, which oversees some of the largest transactions of city-owned land throughout San Francisco. John will speak to our Regulatory Committee about the initiatives underway in his office. All SFHAC business and organization members are encouraged to attend. If you are not a member, […]

Regulatory Committee

Farella, Braun + Martel 235 Montgomery Street, 17th Floor, San Francisco

John Updike is the Director of San Francisco's Department of Real Estate, which oversees some of the largest transactions of city-owned land throughout San Francisco. John will speak to our Regulatory Committee about the initiatives underway in his office. All SFHAC business and organization members are encouraged to attend. If you are not a member, […]

Regulatory Committee: The MicroPAD

Farella, Braun + Martel 235 Montgomery Street, 17th Floor, San Francisco

Local builder Panoramic Interests has an interesting idea to build housing for the homeless. The MicroPAD is a 160 square foot steel, modular unit than can be built much faster and more affordably than typical on-site construction. Panoramic Interests Founder Patrick Kennedy will speak to our member about his company's idea and his plan to […]

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