We understand that with new people moving into a neighborhood comes a greater need for improvements in our existing transit systems and overall urban infrastructure. In 2014, the SFHAC is focusing energy on ensuring funds from housing development directly contributes to the neighborhoods that have the greatest need.
In 2014, the City will be asking the voters for increased transit funding. Without a successful, fully-funded transit system we cannot achieve SFHAC’s mission. While SFHAC generally sticks to housing, there are times when we need to go outside our core mission to ensure housing has a positive impact on neighborhoods. We support SFMTA improvements. Currently, our underfunded transit system has been in a state of slow-motion collapse for years and needs new funding sources to bring it up to our city’s standards to lessen our reliability on personal vehicles and make San Francisco a true Transit First city.
Previous studies have shown that residential development spins off enormous amounts of revenue to the City through impact fees and exactions. The SFHAC advocates for analysis and full discussion to examine how those fees can be used quickly and directly in the neighborhoods to fund amenities such as parks, pedestrian improvements and street beautifications that make this a livable city.