May 3, 2018 Corey Smith

SFHAC June 2018 Ballot Proposition Guide

State Prop 69: This measure would require that revenue from the diesel sales tax and Transportation Improvement Fee, as enacted by Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), be used for transportation-related purposes; and exempt revenue generated by SB 1’s tax increases and fee schedules from the state appropriations limit. Investing in our transit infrastructure is critical and was the original intent of Senate Bill 1.

SFHAC recommends you vote yes.


Regional Measure 3: Increases tolls on the Bay Area’s seven state-owned bridges, excluding the Golden Gate Bridge, by $1 in 2019, $1 in 2022 and $1 in 2025 to fund regional transportation capital investments. The investments made with the increased revenue would include: $500 million to expand BART’s fleet; $375 million to expand BART to Silicon Valley; $325 million to bring high-speed rail to the Transbay Transit Center in San Francisco; $300 million to expand ferry service; and $50 million to implement a new Clipper-based fare system. In addition, the expenditure plan includes up to $60 million annually to support transit operations, including $35 million for ferry service; $20 million for regional express bus service; and $5 million for Transbay Transit Center operations.

SFHAC recommends you vote yes.


Local Proposition D: Commercial Rent Tax for Housing and Homelessness. This measure would impose a tax on individuals and businesses that receive income from the lease or sublease of commercial space, primarily offices. The measure exempts certain spaces, including non-profits used for production, distribution and repair (including industrial, warehouse and similar uses), retail sales and services (including chain stores) and entertainment, arts and recreation.  

There are two commercial rent taxes on the ballot this election, Proposition C and D. Only one of them will take effect, the one with more votes.  However, Proposition C requires a simple majority to pass and Proposition D requires two-thirds of the vote to pass. Therefore, Proposition C could win with fewer votes than Proposition D. Because our mission is to support more housing, we’re only taking a position on Proposition D.

Please note that HAC is bothered that City Hall has pitted child care vs affordable housing.  San Francisco needs both. It is shameful that the progressives and moderates chose to use the need for child care and affordable housing as a political football instead of working together to figure out a reasonable funding solutions for both.

SFHAC recommends you vote yes on Prop D.


Prop F: Legal Representation for Tenants. This measure would require the City of San Francisco to create a program to provide free legal representation for all San Francisco residential tenants facing eviction. Through this new program, tenants would be entitled to full scope legal representation — including appearing on behalf of the tenant in court proceedings and representing the tenant throughout the case — within 30 days of receiving an eviction notice or being served with an eviction lawsuit. Providing an attorney for all tenants, and making sure tenants are aware of their rights, is critical.

SFHAC recommends you vote yes on Prop F.

Corey Smith

Corey Smith is HAC's Executive Director and can be reached at

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