May 13, 2015 Housing Action Coalition

Let’s Eliminate the Off-Site Radius!

The City’s data show that for every person who gets an affordable home under the Inclusionary Ordinance, there are almost 30 unsuccessful applicants. At a time when we should be building drastically more permanently affordable housing, we’re still handcuffing developers with restrictive policies.

The Off-Site inclusionary option delivers more affordable housing than any of the City’s other inclusionary housing choices, 20% of the project’s total units. Developers can build these homes on another parcel separate from their principal project.

Since 2003, only 7 affordable housing projects have been built using the Off-Site option. One reason why market-rate developers don’t choose the 20% Off-Site Inclusionary option is because the law only allows affordable housing developments to be built within a 1-mile radius of the principal market-rate project. This drastically limits feasible building sites.

A recently released term sheet for new legislation proposes to expand the current 1-mile radius limit to 1.25 miles (equivalent to adding approximately 4 city blocks). This is not enough!  

A restrictive Off-Site Inclusionary housing radius says it’s more important that people who need affordable housing live within an arbitrary distance from another housing development than actually producing more permanently affordable housing.

SIGN this Petition to tell Supervisor Malia Cohen, Land Use Committee Chair; Olson Lee, Director or Mayor’s Office of Housing; and Mayor Ed Lee, that our housing crisis demands new thinking — not the old, ineffective rules. Ask them to eliminate the off-site inclusionary radius so we can keep families in San Francisco and not put arbitrary boundaries on where housing should be built in our 7×7 city.  


Housing Action Coalition

The Housing Action Coalition is a member-supported non-profit that advocates for the creation of well designed, well-located housing at all levels of affordability. We believe more housing means more choices and better solutions.

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