February 11, 2015 Housing Action Coalition

Exploring Urbanism from Within: ADU Exhibit

It’s no secret that San Francisco urbanism is amidst a housing crisis. Quite simply, our housing supply hasn’t been able to keep up with growing demand. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), or Secondary Units, are a part of the solution.

Within the last year, Supervisor Scott Wiener and former Supervisor David Chiu have authored successful legislation that will help the City make great progress in addressing the housing crisis through Accessory Dwelling Units, (ADU’s) or secondary units, within existing housing stock. ADUs are a great balance to increasing housing density that meet the modern need while recognizing and preserving the City’s unique – and vintage – architectural style and personality.   

Thanks to the Planning Department’s recent partnerships with Openscope Studio and California College of the Art’s (CCA) Urban Works program, you can come see what an ADU could look like in your home or neighborhood. The architects at OpenScope Studio developed an ADU Handbook detailing the design, process, regulations and costs around the addition of an ADU in several typical San Francisco housing typologies.  Building on that work, CCA’s students visualized an Accessory Dwelling Unit by asking key questions such as:

– Who occupies it? 

– How does it function?

This is an event for property owners, contractors, architects, designers, students and the general public alike to learn more about a variety of affordable housing in the City and the innovative methods being used to meet the housing needs for all San Franciscans.

Please come enjoy their fine work – and explore Urbanism from Within.
6:00 p.m. | Friday, February 20, 2015

Image credit: CCA

Housing Action Coalition

The Housing Action Coalition is a member-supported non-profit that advocates for the creation of well designed, well-located housing at all levels of affordability. We believe more housing means more choices and better solutions.

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