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From the Capitol to City Hall: Statewide, Regional and Local Perspectives on Inclusionary Housing

Sedgwick 333 Bush Street, 30th Floor, San Francisco

We welcome you to join us for a panel that will cover a range of statewide, regional and local perspectives on inclusionary housing.  Looking beyond the San Francisco experience, specific topics will include the state’s progress in achieving affordable housing targets, a political update on the latest post-AB 1229 efforts in Sacramento, and the status […]

From the Capitol to City Hall: Statewide, Regional and Local Perspectives on Inclusionary Housing

Sedgwick 333 Bush Street, 30th Floor, San Francisco

We welcome you to join us for a panel that will cover a range of statewide, regional and local perspectives on inclusionary housing.  Looking beyond the San Francisco experience, specific topics will include the state’s progress in achieving affordable housing targets, a political update on the latest post-AB 1229 efforts in Sacramento, and the status […]

Hard Hat Tour of The Panoramic

The Panoramic 1321 Mission Street, San Francisco

Image credit: Panoramic Interests Join the SF Housing Action Coalition for a tour of The Panoramic, 160 Micro-Apartments located in the heart of SoMa. Patrick Kennedy of Panoramic Interests, the project's developer and creator of SMART SPACE, will take us on a hard hat tour of these tiny homes. The building is now topped off and […]

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