May 7, 2015 Housing Action Coalition

Take Action: Let’s STOP the Mission Moratorium

moratoriumThis week Supervisor David Campos proposed a 45-day moratorium on building new market-rate housing in the Mission District, extendable for up to two years. Co-sponsored by Supervisors Norman Yee, Jane Kim, John Avalos and Eric Mar, the Mission moratorium would only allow production of 100% affordable housing.

Yes, we must build more affordable housing AND we can only do that by increasing the overall housing supply. This is not an either/or proposition.

Bringing ALL new market-rate housing production to a halt will only exacerbate the problems Supervisor Campos aims to cure — housing affordability and displacement. Plus, he fails to acknowledge that in 2012 when the state eliminated the Redevelopment Agency, market-rate housing production became the number one producer and financial supporter of new permanently affordable housing.

Sign the Petition!

Tell the Supervisors that a housing moratorium in the Mission is the WRONG ANSWER to our affordability crisis. Let’s not let this legislation go any further.

Stopping the creation of new housing will only increase demand for existing housing and make it even more costly — not only in the Mission, but for all of San Francisco.  

Housing Action Coalition

The Housing Action Coalition is a member-supported non-profit that advocates for the creation of well designed, well-located housing at all levels of affordability. We believe more housing means more choices and better solutions.

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