August 2, 2023 Jake Price

San Francisco Passes Legislation To Help Jump Start Housing Production

The Housing Action Coalition is continuing to work with the Mayor’s office, other city leaders and allied advocacy groups as San Francisco works to implement its Housing Element. Last week, in a 10-1 vote, the Board of Supervisors passed two pieces of legislation that deferred and reduced inclusionary requirements and impact fees. The legislation came after the City’s Technical Advisory Committee met for months in an effort to determine an economically feasible inclusionary rate. While HAC pushed for 100% of all fees to be waived as means to help projects ‘pencil’, we understand the political reality. The reduction in fees, according to the feasibility analysis done by HAC member Century Urban, will not be enough to get entitled projects moving. Therefore, the City of SF must continue to explore creative ways to reduce the timeline and cost of construction for new housing.

For more information on all the housing legislation making its way through San Francisco, check out this summary (prepared by our friend Annie Fryman with SPUR). With the August Recess now underway, HAC is preparing for a busy September for housing legislation. If you want to help push these key pieces of pro-housing legislation across the finish line, sign our petition here.

San Francisco Housing Legislation Summary

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