We advocate for solutions to make housing in California more affordable, equitable, and sustainable. 


We collaborate with elected officials and lawmakers to advance pro-housing legislation.


We convene our members and supporters to host discussions and presentations on important housing topics.


We unite a diverse coalition of members who share our conviction that the key to solving California’s most pressing housing challenges is to build more housing at all income levels.

San Francisco Sunset


The Housing Action Coalition (HAC)

HAC is a statewide housing force that channels the energy and experience of the housing industry into effective policy that helps build more housing at all income levels and a more equitable housing system.



We offer members-only and public events to help build a passionate, educated, and active community. Together, we are working towards solving the housing shortage, displacement, and affordability crisis in the Bay area and California.

We welcome sponsors for our bi-annual events (Spring Symposium + Housing Heroes) to sustain and promote our efforts as an organization.

HAC Spring Symposium 2024


(Business Membership)

  • HAC’s 501(c)(3) educational arm produces programs and resources to educate members, decision-makers, the media, and the general public about how our housing crisis came to be and what it will take to solve it.

  • One of the many benefits of HAC membership is getting support for your project at every step of the hearing and approval process.

    If you have an affordable or market rate home building project in the works, HAC can play an instrumental role in helping your secure approval through our three-step process:

    Project Review

    Present your project to a committee of leading architects, designers, developers, land use attorneys, and other housing experts and receive invaluable feedback to help you refine your presentation and project going forward.

    Project Endorsement

    Following your presentation, our project review committee will let you know if it will receive a HAC endorsement. If so, we’ll provide you with a project report card or a letter of endorsement. If not, we’ll share specific recommendations for improvement.

    Project Advocacy

    Why is Bay Area housing the most expensive in the country? What caused our housing crisis and how do we solve it? This popular one-hour program answers these and other housing questions on everyone’s minds, and lays out how individuals and organizations can be part of the solution. Perfect for a lunchtime program or after-work event, we can educate and motivate groups of any size.

    For all endorsed projects, HAC will plan and execute a robust advocacy campaign to activate neighbors to voice their support to relevant decision makers. This could take the form of organizing an online petition signing or letter-writing campaign, enlisting speakers to give public comments, generating support via social media, and more.

    Legislative Advocacy

    While building more homes is vital, so is reforming old and outdated laws that have long made it too difficult and too expensive to build enough housing for everyone who needs it.

    That’s why HAC is working hard to enact new laws to make it easier, faster, and less expensive to build more housing at all affordability levels and reform antiquated laws that are only exacerbating our housing crisis.

  • Through HAC’s 501(c)(4) advocacy arm, we engage and activate our members, partners, and legislative allies to make their voices heard in support of building new homes and enacting pro-housing policies to make it faster, easier, and more affordable to build enough housing for all who need it.

  • Our vast and diverse members include a wide range of organizations that share our commitment to alleviating California’s housing crisis:

    • Home builders (market rate + affordable)

    • Architects, designers, engineers & urban planners

    • General contractors

    • Land use and real estate attorneys

    • Labor unions

    • Real estate service providers

    • Community & neighborhood associations

    • Large, midsize & small employers

    • Financial institutions and lenders

    • Public education institutions

    • Nonprofits and urban livability groups

    View a list of our current business and organization members here.

  • Connect directly with state and local decision makers.

    • Network with housing development industry leaders at our 50+ annual events.

    • Sneak previews and tours of new residential and mixed-use development projects.

    • Advocate for pro-housing policies with respected housing experts.

    • Learn about timely state and local housing topics. 

    • Showcase your organization’s work through guest blog posts, member spotlights, and our weekly newsletter.

    • Access to HAC events and activities extended to your entire organization.